Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Pumpkin Cake Balls

A bunch of my friends and I had a girls night and the theme was PUMPKIN! We all brought a pumpkin treat and the recipes to share. My treat was theses little beauties.

They were really really easy to make too! So here is a step by step on how I did it!

These are all the ingredients you will need! (I didn't end up using the frosting I bought because the package of cake came with frosting. However, I wish I would have used the one I bought because I didn't think that the frosting inside the box was sweet enough.) Also I doubled this recipe, so all the ingredients you see here, I used 2. (Except I only used half the goldfish. . .you'll see why)

1. Start by following the baking directions on the box.

2. Bake in a 13X9 dish on 375. I cooked it for 15 minutes then checked it with a toothpick. I continued to cook at 2 minute intervals until the toothpick came out clean.

3. Then let the cake cool just enough to handle. Then crumble chunks into a mixing bowl. (I use the center or the cake because you want your cake balls as smooth as possible. The outer cake pieces can be a little rough to work with.) Then crumble even more with a fork.

4. This is where you add the frosting. Usually I use a "can" of frosting and mix it into the crumbles, but like I mentioned before this cake mix had packages of frosting so I used those. I would suggest using the other frosting, because I think they taste better. . . but you can really use whatever you want. Homemade frosting would be even better, if you're that amazing. 
After I mixed in the frosting I put it in the fridge to harden a little to make it easier to roll into balls. About 5-10 minutes.

5. Then line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Roll the cake mix into little balls. Then place those in the fridge for another 10 minutes to harden. Meanwhile, put half of the goldfish crackers into a ziplock baggie and crush them into little crumbs.

6. After the crumbs, get the chocolate covering ready. I melted the almond bark in a large bowl in the microwave for 90 seconds. (I did one brick, and then did the other one when the first one was all gone.) After 90 seconds it wasn't quite done so I continued to heat and stir in 15 second increments. I did this until the chocolate was smooth and runny. (It was about an extra 45 seconds)

7. I then dropped the balls into the chocolate one at a time and dished them out with a large spoon. I placed them on a large fork to allow the extra chocolate to drip off, then transferred them back onto the parchment paper to harden. While they were still wet I sprinkled some of the chocolate goldfish crumbs on top.

8. After they hardened, I drizzled the packet of caramel over them that came in the cake box. I ended up having extra melted almond bark so I covered the rest of the goldfish and some nuts to make some yummy treats and put them in a cookie jar. My daughter loved them! After that, ENJOY!

The awesome part about this recipe is that you can do it with ANY kind of cake, ANY kind of frosting, and ANY kind of toppings! Just be creative and enjoy the deliciousness!

Had a great night enjoying all the yummy treats and friends! 

Let me know if you try these amazing little morsels and how you like them! Love you all. Thanks for reading!

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